Howard S. Shubs

Greetings. I've got content for you! Some of it’s fairly old, unfortunately. I’m working on that.

My resume


My most recent images are at my Flickr! page. Note: if you want to publish anything on this or any other page on, contact me at my e-mail address. We'll work something out.


One of my favorite topics is bridges. I take pictures of them, and sometimes post them on Wikipedia. Not everything I image is appropriate for that site, so I've created a section here for them. At the moment, the only one available is the Bachelor Brook Bridge replacement project. There are more on my Flickr! page.


Right now, I've just got a recipe for pretzels. Be very careful. The results are worth it.


Mike Jittlov, the Wizard of Speed and Time

I went to visit Mike at his home during the same trip where I visited Mojave in 2004. Here are the pictures which survived.


Genre literature conventions

Space Ship One launched from Mojave in 2004

I was there. Here are both launches as I saw them.

[Built with BBEdit] This site is maintained by Howard Shubs. You can reach him at
Using BBEdit with Interarchy for web page updates is just amazing!

Last modified 20 January 2025