The Beechcraft Starship
The Beechcraft Starship
Still coming in...
"I'm telling you we can LAND it!"
SwissAir says "Hi!" to Scaled Composites.
Looks like they're still farting around out there.
F-4s and wind farms and blue sky, oh my!
Cool looking little 'plane lands, with Scaled still farting around in the background.
Still farting around out there. I guess press conferences are fun, or something.
Cropped a little less tightly.
SSO is turned around...
SSO being turned around with a crew cab towing it.
This picture should give a better idea of how far away this is happening. I'm doing all this with iPhoto on a Wallstreet. Five-plus year old Macs still rule!
Comin' about!
It's all turned around. They towed it back to where all the party people were.
It's all turned around. They towed it back to where all the party people were.
"Guess we might as well go back with it, Burt."
They towed it to the party. I didn't get to go. :-p
These pictures really show that you can't have too many megapixels. I should have used my N80.
Had to tow SSO past a lot of dinos.
...a <i>lot</i> of dinos! Five megapixels just isn't enough! I wanted 30! Or 100!
Looks like SwissAir dumped a lot of old airframes here for the SSO to go past. Would "lawn ornaments" be a better term than "dinos"?
Continuing to tow...
SSO goes past Old Glory to new glory.
The sun is now well up over the F-4s and wind farm.
SSO was towed away from the VIP area just after I got there! Maybe that's what happens if a person who isn't supposed to be there arrives? I was bummed.
Welcome to Mojave Airport, Home of the Civilian Flight Test Center, Elevation 2787. Lat (deleted), Long (deleted), Frequences (deleted), America's First Inland Spaceport